Tools I use to make my work faster

December 13, 2023

I have been asked a lot of times from my college friends and friends from “unofficial” workspaces what tools I use to speed up my work on the laptop.

Believe me that optimising your setup to the point of not having to lift hand off keyboard to accomplish a task is a superpower. Your colleagues, your juniors, and your seniors will be impressed xD.

I decided to write a quick short and sweet post about this.

Note that since I use macOS, this list is geared towards that OS but I am sure you will get ideas if you use linux or windows

Here we go:

  1. Raycast: A super fast alternative for the built-in macOS spotlight
  2. Vimium: It puts yellow labels with two alphabetic letters on every link when you press f in browser and then you can click on any link.
  3. Warp: Earlier I used to use iTerm2 which was great but Warp seemed better. I was hesitant since it was weird to use a terminal which is not open source but its best feature is grouping the command and its output attracted me.
    1. If I ever leave Warp, I will go back to iTerm2 for sure.
  4. pgcli: ditch psql please if you use postgres. ‘Nuff said.
  5. Flycut: To go back into my clipboard history
  6. Rectangle: To manage my windows on mac
  7. github-cli: To manage and create PRs
  8. Very important: Learn keyboard shortcuts in every software I regularly use. Either it be slack, teams, VSCode, Sublime, Spotify, or Chrome!

This list will keep getting updated as my setup evolves. Peace ✌️